Monday, May 30, 2016

Barbie Barkada

When I was an only child for seven years I only had my Barbie dolls to talk to most of the time. Ma seldom allowed me to go out so I spent most of the time singing and talking to them in my room. With Barbie, you really can be anything. Here were some of my favorites:

1. Medical Barbie
I sewed white napkins and pretended to cure/examine them as my patients in a hospital. I had a shoe box as my bed haha

2.  Soiree Barbie 
I had a posh mini kitchen and a lounge bar from my Ninang so we had tons of parties. I saved old boxes and turned them into swimming pools. I also made them kiss my teddy bears because Ma was unwilling to buy a Ken.

3. Salon Barbie
I had a short-haired curly Barbie (that hairstyle was so in in the 80s!) & I made her convince her friends to get a trim. I just applied a few drops of baby oil (hotoil!) & pretended to cut. When I turned them over to my sister when I was nine, she gave them actual haircuts that didn't turn out well.. I cried.

4. Mermaid Barbie
My sister thought our Mermaid Barbie really meant what she said ("I want to swim!") when you pressed her tail. She threw the doll into the kiddie pool & actually made her swim in water. All she could do was gurgle the recording after. It was sad. She used to have a shiny purple tail and thick burgundy hair. It got ruined after the actual pool party. Oh well. Mermaids should only swim in our dreams.

5. Beach Barbie
This was my favorite. She had a nice golden swimsuit, blonde hair with some metallic strands, and a lovely tan. She even came with free piƱa colada lipgloss that was so fab.  I made her borrow my other Barbie's dresses when we had evening soirees because she really was the loveliest.

Oh well. I had my share of fun with Barbie. I'll always be part of Team Pink!

Last Sunday, my baby and I caught up with Barbie's party at MOA. It was exhilirating as fans cheered for their favorite models and Andi Eigenmann. After their movie's success in Cannes,
Andi said girls should not be afraid to
dream big just like Barbie!


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