Thursday, June 20, 2019

Flower Girl Tips

It's challenging being the first grandchild.  As a kid I served as a flower girl in eleven weddings.  Ma didn't want to trouble with so many dresses so there came point wherein I had a basic itchy flouncy white gown. We just changed its trimming several times to fit the next wedding theme.  I hated most of my photos though; the heavy 80s makeup & stiff hairdos didn't suit me.

Now it's my daughter's turn to build her "resume" being a stage mom is more fun than I thought haha.  Her first walk down the aisle happened when she was 2 and I'm just happy that she gets to enjoy it each time. 

Here are some tips on how to be an effective flower girl/ ring bearer coach:

1. Ask your child if she likes what she/he is going to wear.

My daughter hates petticoats and itchy tule.  There was a time she refused to wear a gown because it was too heavy for her.  So I cut out the petticoat underneath and replaced it with a more baby friendly ballet skirt I got on sale from Cotton On Kids.

If she hates the sleeves or the heavy beadwork, try to ease her discomfort especially if the venue isn't airconditioned.  Ma used to dust baby powder with a little bit of glitter over my shoulders & armpits to lessen the itch brought about by ruffles.  She also made me wear a pantylet/ shorts to minimize contact with the petticoat.

Allow her change into her favorite dress that's more comfortable after the photo op. 

2. Practice walking down the aisle with a basket/ pillow

For her first time, we visited the church the day before just so she wouldn't get scared to come to the altar.  Seeing people she knew in the crowd the next day helped her get through it & waved all the way up to her seat.

3. Avoid using too much makeup & hairspray

If your toddler requests for makeup, just give her a bit of lip gloss & peach blush and she's good to go. I really cringe at heavy makeup on kids.  Unless she has pimples to hide, I don't think foundation is necessary.  If she sweats a lot, opt for baby powder.  If it's going to be an outdoor wedding, allow her to put on some kids' sunscreen/ BB Cream.

4. Try to get the hair accessories in advance

My daughter hates hairpieces.  She hates hats, clips, hair flowers, wreaths and headbands.  It doesn't help that most wedding coordinators refuse to give the hair accessories out in advance fearing it could get lost.  So I dunno if there would ever come a time that I would be successful in making her wear flowers on her hair.

5.  Assign someone else to take photos/ videos

It's quite tempting to do everything yourself but it might ruin the moment :p Trust the wedding photographer and/or your relatives/friends to document the event.

Smile, breathe, and enjoy! Best wishes! :p